Category: Live Vibrantly

female nurse touches shoulder of older woman wearing headscarf in comforting gesture.

November 29, 2022 - Live Vibrantly

Meeting You Where You Are With Goodwin Hospice

Goodwin Hospice aligns with the theme of this year’s National Hospice and Palliative Care Month by striving to help people understand what hospice is and what it means to choose hospice.

older couple high five one another outdoors on bocce ball court

October 20, 2022 - Live Vibrantly

Outdoor Recreation on an Urban CCRC Campus

GHBC resident Mädi Green shares how residents spent more time outside during the pandemic, leading to improvements and additions that would provide a wider variety of outdoor activities on campus.

October 7, 2022 - Live Vibrantly

Be Strong To Be Useful – The Parkour Way

Parkour is a mindful movement practice. Often known for videos of practitioners who scale walls and jump railings, it can apply to any age.

August 20, 2022 - Live Vibrantly

How Goodwin Living Empowers Individuals Living with Dementia

Those who live with dementia can lead fulfilling lives. Learn some of the simple and innovative ways Goodwin Living empowers them.


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