Category: Live with Purpose

friendly visitor. an older woman walks outside with a younger woman, another older woman in a hat walking behind them

April 30, 2024 - Staff Stories

Reflections on Friendly Visitor Volunteering with Goodwin Hospice

Team member Nada Boris shares her journey of honoring loved ones and embracing life's transitions through volunteering at Goodwin Hospice.

composting. a blue shovel amongst composting foods and yard waste

April 19, 2024 - Live with Purpose

Composting – Going Green at Goodwin Living

Thanks to residents who advocated for an enormously successful composting program, Goodwin Living has diverted more than one million pounds of waste from landfills since 2019.

a century of stories. two older women hold an open photo album on their laps

March 26, 2024 - Live with Purpose

A Century of Stories

Long-lived residents of the three Goodwin Living senior living campuses share unique perspectives on aging with purpose.


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