Category: Live Comfortably

Stay at Home or Move

November 15, 2019 - Live Comfortably

Aging in Place or Senior Living Community?

Deciding whether to age in place or move to a senior living community is rarely straightforward. As the traveler in the Robert Frost poem discovers, when two roads diverge, we frequently yearn to...

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October 27, 2019 - Live Comfortably

Not Throwing Away My Shot!

If you’ve ever seen the Broadway phenomenon Hamilton (and even if you haven’t), you might be familiar with the song “My Shot.” In it, Alexander Hamilton--yes, that Alexander Hamilton--sings about...


October 14, 2019 - Live Comfortably

Better Nutrition in a Glass: Green Drinks & Kefir

Green drinks (made primarily from vegetables) or kefir (made from dairy or nondairy sources) pack a nutritional punch for active seniors on the move.


August 5, 2019 - Live Comfortably

The Home of the Future is Here

Remember George Jetson? His wife Jane? This iconic animated sitcom was a prime-time cosmic sensation for all ages during the 1960s. Viewers were transported to Orbit City and welcomed into...


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