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Diversity Equality Inclusion - September 21, 2023

Peace: The Key to a Better World

by Clara Payna, RMA and Care Partner in Stonebrook


September 21 was International Day of Peace, an annual event supported by the United Nations. Peace is a word that holds great meaning for all of us. When I think about peace, many ideas come to
my mind.


Peace …

it’s not just the absence of fighting; it’s a state of harmony and cooperation among people.

Peace …

in a place is so important. We can all contribute to making our world a more peaceful place.

Peace …

means that people are getting along, and there is no violence or conflict. It’s like big puzzles where all the pieces fit together without any problems. It is essential for a happy and healthy world.

Peace …

in peaceful communities, people feel safe and secure.

Peace …

helps people make friends and build strong relationships.

Peace …

in peaceful countries, kids can go to school and learn without fear.


Peace …

leads to happier lives for everyone.


Peace …

sometimes, it can be hard to have peace. When people get angry, they might do things they later regret. Not understanding each other can lead to fights.

Peace …

there’s chaos in the world right now. We need to love more and listen more and talk more. Listening and learning from each other will give us peace.

Peace …

sometimes just listening to others can solve problems. Talk, don’t fight. Instead of using a fist, use words to solve disagreements. Help others and offer help when possible. Helping others creates peace.


We all have a role in making the world a more peaceful place: Treat others the way you want to be treated. Be kind and polite. Help us all to enjoy more peace.


Goodwin Living DEI Committee: Statement of Purpose: Educate, Embrace, and Empower team members, residents, members* and all served by Goodwin Living to support Diversity, Equality and Inclusion.

Goodwin Living DEI Committee Desired Outcome: The Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Committee (DEI) will seek open and honest communication and collaboration that will inform and celebrate the age, culture, ethnicity and sexual orientation of team members, residents, members* and all served by Goodwin Living without bias. *Members include Priority Club members and Goodwin Living At Home.

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