Category: Live Vibrantly

Dementia. The Goodwin Living Brain Health team sits at a booth about the StrongerMemory program

June 30, 2023 - Live Vibrantly

What We Wish People Knew About Dementia

In recognition of Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month, the Goodwin Living Brain Health team shares their expert insights and tips to help us all to better understand dementia.

aging unbound. photos of goodwin living residents engaging in activities.

May 26, 2023 - Live Vibrantly

Aging Unbound at Goodwin Living

In support of Older Americans Month, we share how Goodwin Living and the older adults in our community challenge the narrative on aging.

April 28, 2023 - Live Vibrantly

Goodwin Living Celebrates Earth Day!

Around the globe, people recognize and celebrate Earth Day every year on April 22. This year, Goodwin Living celebrated on April 21, which turned out to be the perfect sunny day to be outdoors!

pi day celebrations at ghbc

March 30, 2023 - Staff Stories

No Matter How You Slice It, Pi Day Offers Fun for All!

We celebrated Pi(e) Day this year with a pie eating contest and challenging Chief Financial Officer Xan Smith to see how many digits of pi he could recite. Enjoy photos and video from this fun event!


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