Goodwin Living Provides Regular Updates About Ongoing COVID-19 Efforts | Updated April 24, 2020

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Committed to Everyone’s Health & Well-Being

At Goodwin Living, we’re committed to everyone’s health and well-being. Together, we are facing a public health concern due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). We encourage approaching this situation with calmness and compassion that helps us build a sense of community. With that in mind, we want to share information about the steps we are taking, as well as trusted resources we all can use to help keep ourselves updated, healthy and engaged in our daily lives. We will update this page as the situation evolves.

Goodwin Living Updates 

We are in regular contact with the departments of health for AlexandriaFairfax and Virginia to ensure we have the latest information and guidance to inform our actions. We also actively follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and communicate regularly with our Goodwin Living family – residents, members, staff and family and friends of residents.

On Thursday, April 23, we learned that a resident in the Goodwin House Bailey’s Crossroads (GHBC) Health Care Center tested positive for COVID-19. For the safety of this resident, other residents and staff, we moved the resident to an area dedicated solely to care for any residents should they test positive. We prepared this specific area of the GHBC health care center as well as an area of our Alexandria health care center in March. In addition, all GHBC Health Care Center staff are wearing full Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

The resident is comfortable and receiving care from a small, dedicated staff team. We know that you join us in holding this resident and their family in your thoughts and prayers.

IPP Public Statements

We moved quickly to implement protocols designed to support the resident’s recovery, protect other residents and protect staff. It is thanks to our protocols that we were able to move this resident to a designated area as soon as we had test results. We address this situation and share the steps we’re taking in our April 24 Public Statement shared in the following list of updates:

Stronger Together: A Message from President & CEO Rob Liebreich | This video was recorded on April 7, 2020

Our Efforts to Protect our Residents and Staff

Our Efforts to Protect our Residents and Staff 

Our first priority is to focus on the health and wellness of our residents and staff. We have introduced specific policies for residents, staff, contractors, business partners and guests. These policies change as the situation evolves. Based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and other health agencies, Goodwin Living’s current visitation protocol is the following.

Access on our campuses is limited to:

  • Contractors, consultants and business partners who support operations
  • Health care professionals who provide care to the residents
  • Government officials who require entry
  • Immediate family members who need to visit for critical or time-sensitive purposes, such as delivery of essential items to the front entrance, accompaniment to medical appointments or visits to residents receiving end-of-life care
  • Individuals who have reserved an apartment home and are preparing to move into one of our communities

Every approved individual will receive a question-based health screening and have their temperature taken. This includes residents, staff, essential contractors and health care providers.

We will require all permitted visitors to be screened daily about their travel, health and exposure to a confirmed COVID-19 case. All other visitors will not be permitted on campuses.

If you are a family member and were planning to visit your loved one for a social or non-essential visit, we ask that you connect with your loved one by phone, tablet or smart phone. The Executive Directors at Goodwin House Alexandria and Goodwin House Bailey’s Crossroads and their teams are glad to help coordinate virtual connections.

If you are a visitor and were planning to visit one of our campuses, you will be contacted by the staff member serving as your point of contact to make alternative arrangements.

We do not take this visitation protocol lightly, though believe it is the right thing to do to protect the health and wellness of our residents and our staff.

Thank you for being part of our efforts to remain focused on the health and well-being of residents and staff.

Stay Healthy Tips

In any situation, the best way to prevent infection is to take measures to avoid being exposed. We can all practice precaution with these basic tips:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Find alternatives to handshakes
  • Do not touch your face, especially eyes, nose and mouth, with unwashed hands
  • Wash hands frequently with soap and water.
  • Be sure to rub hands vigorously for 20 seconds while washing.
  • Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer to supplement frequent handwashing
  • Stay home if you are sick
  • Call ahead before visiting medical professionals
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes
  • Clean and disinfect objects and surfaces

We are in regular contact with the departments of health for AlexandriaFairfax and Virginia to ensure we have the latest information and guidance to inform our actions. We also actively follow guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and communicate regularly with our Goodwin Living family – residents, members, staff and family and friends of residents.

On Thursday, April 23, we learned that a resident in the Goodwin House Bailey’s Crossroads (GHBC) Health Care Center tested positive for COVID-19. For the safety of this resident, other residents and staff, we moved the resident to an area dedicated solely to care for any residents should they test positive. We prepared this specific area of the GHBC health care center as well as an area of our Alexandria health care center in March. In addition, all GHBC Health Care Center staff are wearing full Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

The resident is comfortable and receiving care from a small, dedicated staff team. We know that you join us in holding this resident and their family in your thoughts and prayers.

Government Resources

We recommend the following resources for the latest, trustworthy information regarding COVID-19:


Resources to Help You Through These Times

Through these times, we can benefit from simple guides we can keep on hand. Please include these guides that we’ve prepared for residents, members and staff.

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