Resident Engagement: Councils, Committees and Volunteering

At Goodwin House Alexandria, we aim to foster an engaging environment where residents feel fulfilled and make social connections, both within and outside our community. We value the importance of having a voice and a sense of belonging, and believe that living a life with purpose is vital to residents’ overall well-being. There are numerous opportunities to participate in resident groups as well as to take up volunteering positions at home and throughout Northern Virginia.

Resident Councils and Committees at Goodwin House Alexandria

We encourage residents to play an active role in the development of our community. Residents elect a council to ensure everyone has a say in what kind of home they want to live in. Diverse committees also represent all aspects of senior living at Goodwin House Alexandria, be it recommending new menu choices or planning the next movie night.

Volunteering Within Goodwin House Alexandria and Beyond

If you’d like to lend a hand within our community, you could find yourself sorting books in the library or leading the singing in a chapel service. Or you might offer tech support like one resident, who visits apartments to troubleshoot smartphones, tablets and laptops.

Northern Virginia has countless senior volunteering options for those seeking to share their skills and expertise beyond our doors. Whether it’s helping out with the Meals on Wheels program, providing refugee assistance or serving as a hospice volunteer, you’re sure to find something that suits you. You may decide to spend time with kids in an elementary school classroom like another resident, a retired art teacher who works with Grade 2 students once a week and displays their work in our gallery space here at Goodwin House Alexandria.

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