Category: Live with Purpose

an older couple is on one side of a window, a toddler is on the other. this is a close up of their hands against the glass

March 19, 2021 - Live with Purpose

A Joyful Return to Visits

As we welcome visitors back to our campuses, Recreation Coordinator Peri Weinfeldt shares her observations of the power of human contact and touch, especially for those with dementia.

Tribute to Ruth Walsh - single burning candle

February 22, 2021 - Staff Stories

Tribute to Ruth Walsh

Colleagues remember Ruth Walsh, former hospice chaplain and founding supervisor of the Goodwin Living Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) program, who touched the lives of many in our community.

the words

January 29, 2021 - Live with Purpose

Mission Moments Build a Community of Generosity

The Goodwin Living Foundation is gearing up for its first annual Giving Day on Sunday, February 14. Valerie Burke shares her thoughts on what fosters the community of generosity at Goodwin Living.

Composting Year Round

November 15, 2020 - Live with Purpose

Tis the Season for Composting? Why Yes!

You might think that composting is a practice more geared toward warmer months. We spoke to Kristie Blumer of Compost Crew about why composting is an important practice to continue year-round.


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